Enabling sustainable construction Our vision it to be the clear and sustainable market leader, focused on exceeding customer expectations through an engaged team that is responsible, reliable and safe.
Waste and raw materials Our vision it to be recognised as a responsible buiness which uses both raw materials and waste beneficially with a minimal impact on the environment.
People and communities Our vision is zero harm in the workplace, compliance with all legislation and a positive impact on communities around our sites through effective partnerships and dialogue.
Water and biodiversity Our 2020 target it to reduce mains water consumption by 25 per cent per tonne of product based on 2010 baseline and for all quarries to implement published biodiversity action plans.
Carbon and energy Our objectives are to maximise energy and carbon efficiencies, to deliver products with lower embodied carbon and to support and meet national and European carbon reduction targets.
Quality processes and systems A robust integrated management system (IMS) is firmly established at our core to deliver improvements in compliance, competency and sustainable performance.